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These are the foods you should avoid with acid reflux


Suffering from acid reflux? Often, it is brought on by certain foods and drinks. Keep reading to discover which to avoid.

So, what's this business about acid reflux, then?

The symptoms can be quite uncomfortable to experience. "It may feel as if your chest is burning, leave a horrible taste in your mouth, and in some cases, difficulties with swallowing may also arise," Medlin notes.

What causes acid reflux?

Research suggests that individuals in the UK are more prone to this condition, according to the NHS. Contributing factors such as stress and anxiety, fluctuations in hormone levels such as progesterone and oestrogen, and the consumption of certain types of medication, including anti-inflammatory painkillers, can also trigger the onset of heartburn symptoms.

Some people find themselves plagued by acid reflux on a fairly consistent basis, whereas others may only encounter it every now and then. 'You might notice it after a large, rich meal or overindulging in too much alcohol,' as Medlin points out. Were symptoms to occur sporadically, it's likely it's just a nuisance, rather than a cause for concern.

Should I worry about acid reflux issues?

He advises that if you're experiencing regular acid reflux, you should seek medical attention. 'If you develop chronic acid reflux, it may be a precursor to oesophageal cancer. This is because excess stomach acid flowing up into the food pipe can alter the lining of the pipe,' he explains. 'There's a condition known as Barrett's oesophagus, where stomach cells line the oesophagus because it has become inflamed.'

What are the ways to get rid of acid reflux?

If a doctor has ruled out more serious medical issues, but you still experience intermittent acid reflux, it may be triggered or exacerbated by certain foods you consume. Specialists agree that modifying your diet is a highly effective way to alleviate symptoms, so we posed this question to Medlin and Dr Ruban; they've shared the foods that people with acid reflux should avoid, which are outlined below.

In addition to what you're eating, it's also crucial to consider how you're eating. "Not eating while on the move is beneficial and waiting a bit before lying down after a meal is advisable," notes Medlin. Dr Ruban recommends eating smaller portions by saying, "Eat smaller meals more frequently instead of consuming large amounts that can put a strain on your stomach."

Here's the list of foods you might want to limit or avoid if you suffer with acid reflux:
* Fatty or fried foods can be a cause, such as fast food, fried chicken, doughnuts, and full English breakfasts.
* Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, grapefruits, and tomatoes can irritate the stomach.
* Chocolate is bad for you in any form, including white chocolate, dark chocolate and milk chocolate.
* High-fat dairy products, including butter, cheese, whole milk, cream.
* Spicy foods, like wasabi, horseradish, red pepper flakes, hot sauce and spicy curries, can irritate the stomach.
*'pH-neutral foods are sometimes alkaline rather than acidic, and you can tolerate them better if you have acid reflux. Examples include almonds, amaranth, oats, spinach, and green vegetables.
* Tomatoes should be consumed with meals or used as an ingredient in other dishes where the acidity is balanced by other ingredients.
* Tight-fitting clothes, especially around the waist, can put pressure on the stomach.
* 'Caffeine and nicotine can trigger acid reflux symptoms in many people.
* Leavened flours, including cakes, pastries and croissants, can make symptoms worse for some people.
* Processed meats like salami, sausages and bacon should be consumed in moderation.

1. Coffee

Medlin recommends against this. ‘Drinking black coffee on an empty stomach can produce more acid and cause the muscles in the stomach to contract, making acid reflux more likely, she says.

2. Fizzy drinks

When you were a child, it was often suggested you try a fizzy drink to soothe a tummy ache, but, as Dr Medlin points out, this can actually make acid reflux symptoms even more serious. “The carbonic acid found in fizzy drinks, such as fizzy water or cola, can lead to further acid problems,” Dr Ruban explains.

3. Vinegar

It's only logical that the acidic nature of it could potentially lead to heartburn, therefore Dr Ruban suggests excluding vinegar or vinegar-containing foods to prevent triggering symptoms.

4. Lemon

Citrus fruits can have a lot of health benefits, as they are rich in beneficial vitamins and minerals. However, they should be consumed with caution if you suffer from acid reflux. According to Medlin, 'eating citrus fruits can lower the level of acidity in the stomach, which can cause even more acid to be produced.'

5. Fried chicken

Fatty and processed foods can be irritating to the stomach and lead to an increase in stomach acid, causing feelings of heartburn. ‘Steer clear of takeaways and foods like fried chicken and burgers,’ Dr Ruban advises.

6. Garlic

Consuming garlic may exacerbate acid reflux symptoms. The substance allicin, found in garlic, has a tendency to raise stomach acidity, potentially causing acid reflux.

7. Onions

Individuals who suffer from heartburn consumed a plain burger one day, and the next day, the same burger with onions on top led to considerably more severe heartburn, therefore, it would be advisable to steer clear of onions if possible.

8. Oranges

We're all aware of the benefits of eating oranges, which are high in vitamin C - a vital nutrient that helps to boost our immune system and protect us from falling ill. Nevertheless, they may not be the ideal choice for one of your daily portions if you're prone to heartburn. 'Citrus fruits are generally a slight risk factor for individuals who experience heartburn,' states Dr Ruban.

9. Tomatoes

Dr Ruban mentions another food that may trigger acid reflux symptoms. Tomatoes have a naturally acidic composition, which means they can cause the oesophagus sphincter to relax, increasing the flow of acid between the stomach and the oesophagus.

10. Curry

When dealing with acid reflux, it's advisable to avoid foods that can irritate your digestive system and spicy dishes, such as curries, which are right up there on the list. 'Spicy food can exacerbate the irritation of the oesophagus lining, making symptoms worse,' Medlin notes.

11. Cheese

"Certain foods can contribute to acid reflux." "For instance, high-fat foods can produce a layer of oil in the stomach that may increase the production of stomach acid, thereby exacerbating reflux," he elaborates. Fondue features as one such high-fat food item that has the potential to cause this reaction in the body.

12. Biscuits

We're aware it may not be what you'd like to hear, but that midday chocolate biscuit could actually be triggering your acid reflux symptoms. According to Medlin, processed biscuits, high in fat as they are, are something she advises her clients with heartburn to steer clear of.

13. Pork

‘Consuming processed meats such as pork and bacon can cause acid reflux due to their high-fat content,’ Dr Ruban points out.

14. Alcohol

Having a drink with your meal can be one of the main causes of acid reflux, so it may not be the best choice if you're concerned about getting heartburn. ‘White wine in particular can increase the amount of stomach acid, which may lead to stomach ulcers and gastritis,’ Medlin advises.

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A Complete Guide to Eathing Healthily
Eating a healthy diet is essential for maintaining good health and wellbeing. Not only does it provide the body with the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs to function, but it also helps to prevent a range of conditions, such as heart disease and certain cancers.
"According to the World Health Organisation, a balanced diet consists of:
1. Five portions of a variety of fruits and vegetables every day
2. Baked or grilled meat, fish and poultry
3. Whole grains and a source of fibre
4. A small amount of sugar
But what makes up a healthy diet? Here are some key elements to consider:
* Include plenty of fruit and vegetables in your meals
* Ensure that your meals are high in fibre, such as brown rice, wholemeal bread and pasta
* Choose low-fat dairy products, such as milk and yoghurt
* Baked and grilled foods are healthier than fried foods
* Limit your intake of sugary drinks and foods high in sugar
* Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated
* Avoid foods high in salt and saturated fats
Aim to make some changes to your diet, even if it's just a small step, as every little helps. Start by swapping unhealthy options for healthier choices, such as switching from white to brown rice or choosing baked rather than fried foods.
It is also a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian who can provide you with a more tailored plan to suit your individual needs."

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