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Scientists have discovered two giant mystery structures lurking under Africa

Many people look upwards in search of answers to life's biggest mysteries, yet some of the most profound enigmas lie hidden beneath our own soil.

Notwithstanding our current understanding, our planet's core remains a mystery that continues to intrigue.

In fact, there exist two massive underwater formations, situated off the coast of Africa and beneath the Pacific Ocean, which account for approximately six percent of the world's total volume. Nevertheless, the composition and origins of these enormous features still remain somewhat of a mystery.

There are a few theories, one of which is that they are accumulations of ocean floor crust that have built up over billions of years.

For our complimentary international world news magazine.

However, a more intriguing idea is that they are massive fragments of an ancient world that collided with our own planet roughly 4.5 billion years ago.


It's challenging to figure out where certain unusual geological formations come from since the Earth's core itself can't be directly observed.

reached a pretty astonishing height of 12,263 metres, or 40,230 feet, however, this only scrapes the surface, not even making a dent in the layers beneath the crust.


Because rocks and liquids have varying densities, waves pass through them at distinct velocities.

By monitoring seismic vibrations from various positions at the Earth's surface, scientists can infer the types of materials the vibrations are passing through and therefore recreate a detailed picture of the planet's internal structure.

It was employing this method that the two unusual formations – identified as large low shear velocity provinces (LLSVPs) – were discovered.

Waves move at a lower speed in these areas, referred to as "blobs", compared to the surrounding lower mantle, suggesting they contain something distinct.

We're not able to identify what this material is from just by looking at seismic tomography data, but some scientists speculate that it could be the remains of a long-lost planet called Theia – a concept referring to the "giant impact hypothesis".

It is thought that roughly 4.5 billion years ago, a Mars-sized object somehow managed to crash into our planet.

This event not only gave rise to the planet we inhabit today, but also ejected enough rock to create the moon that lights up our night sky.

Some experts propose that certain remnants from Theia sank to the bottom of the Earth, potentially landing above the core - hereby creating at least one of the two large, low-velocity pockets.

Renowned experts have carried out an in-depth examination of this zone for several decades, yet, we remain in the dark regarding the true nature and identity of these enormous amorphous masses.

Despite investigations into Theia, they have shed valuable light on how a theoretical impact could have potentially triggered critical plate tectonic and mantle movements that shape our planet - fundamental processes necessary for our world as we know it.

It's also a timely reminder that there's still much we don't know about our own planet and our origins.

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