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‘I do regret it a bit’: Motorway built around stubborn grandfather’s house after he refused compensation

After declining to budge, the individual concerned had not been persuadable by an offer of £180,000 in compensation.

Huang Ping's two-storey home in Jinxi, China, is now engulfed by a massive building site that's generating a perpetual cloud of dust, relentless hammering from the construction workers, and continually shaking walls.

He's worried about the financial implications and is concerned about what living there will be like once the expressway opens in spring.

I wish I had accepted the demolition terms they initially suggested. Now, it seems like I've made a costly mistake.

Photos illustrate the roof of the house being at roughly the same level as two lanes of the motorway, which then diverts around the property before merging back together.

According to the previous statement from the Jinxi County Party Committee secretary, Huang, who resides with his 11-year-old grandson, has declined to relocate, expressing discontent with the government's initial proposal.

After a prolonged period of unsuccessful negotiations, the authorities implemented a detour on both sides of Huang's residence in order to facilitate the construction of the motorway.

For a private residence whose residents are resisting redevelopment by property developers.

flanked by debris, or having progress pushed forward around them.

Homeowners will go to great lengths to preserve their homes, even as high-rise buildings and shopping malls spring up around them, or if new roads are slated to cut through their properties.

A notorious house that had completely blocked a major road for almost 14 years has been dismantled.

The people residing there had turned down every offer since 2003 to relocate, maintaining that the compensation was not sufficient. However, they have now accepted £300,000 in order to move.


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