10 golden rules for decluttering your wardrobe
Decluttering will undoubtedly require a thorough clearance of any clothing items that no longer fit you or hold sentimental value.
When we ponder letting go of things, it's natural to think solely of what we'll be giving up, isn't it?" she remarks. "But it's actually by thinning out and refining that progress happens. You need to shift your focus from what you'll be relinquishing to the opportunities that lie ahead.
If sorting out a cluttered wardrobe is a task you've been delaying, here's how you can tackle it. We've put together our top advice for achieving the tidy wardrobe you've always wanted.
1. Arrange to dedicate a specific time for clearing clutter
Decluttering your clothes can be a daunting task with items scattered all over the place. To accomplish it efficiently, plan a dedicated timeframe in your calendar and commit to sticking to it. A typical wardrobe should take roughly four hours to empty and sort through.
You can also break up the task into manageable chunks if you're short on time, and deal with your wardrobe in stages.
2. Make things visible
How frequently do you find yourself rummaging through your wardrobe, desperately trying to locate something you know is hiding somewhere? It's a very common experience, unfortunately! Having an overabundance of items in our wardrobes and drawers can make selecting an outfit each day a real challenge. The honest truth is that it might be time to say goodbye to some pieces that are only brought out occasionally - or at least, rehome them.
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You'll simply buy what you need.
Re-arrange all the information in a logical order.
Arranging your clothes in categories and by colour makes it simpler to keep track of what you have. The fashion editor of Good Housekeeping, Jo Atkinson, suggests arranging clothes from left to right: evening dresses and formal wear / jackets and coats / tops / shirts / trousers / skirts / outerwear.
How to keep your attire secure.
You can always flip them over as you store them, similar to turning your hangers, as recommended in point 9, to check what you've worn in the past year. This should make it easier to decide which items to clear out at a later time.

4. Work in categories
Decluttering in an organised manner, rather than piecemeal, offers a clear view of your belongings. This applies equally to your wardrobe and other areas of the home. Sorting through all items of a particular type, such as coats before dresses, gives you a better perspective, making it easier to decide what to part with.
It's also a good idea to work your way down the list, breaking down larger tasks into smaller ones. This approach helps you see the impact of your work more quickly, which can boost your motivation.
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Do you ever think of a particular image of a fun girls' weekend and associate it with feeling carefree, yet many items we buy for such occasions end up lingering in our wardrobes after they're no longer our go-to choice.
Finding happiness lies not just in updating your wardrobe, but also in preserving and reusing the memorable pieces you already own.
Many of us hold onto clothes that no longer suit our size. It's worth thinking whether keeping these clothes around only serves to make you feel unhappy about your body - perhaps you can feel more positive after letting them go.
6. Compile a Holiday Box
Honestly, we can't say there are many weeks annually when it's pleasant enough to wear strappy dresses, kaftans and flip-flops, therefore having them occupy a notable part of your wardrobe space just isn't practical.
Pack items like bikinis, sun hats, and loose, summery dresses, which are usually reserved for vacations, into a sealed container.
Ensure the box is clearly marked and store it in a high location, such as a shelf or the loft, so it doesn't occupy useful cupboard space in your home. This will also make every occasion when you retrieve it a nostalgic and enjoyable experience.

You wouldn't pull out your winter clothes and wear them in the summer, so similarly, why combine your seasonal outfits? Keep the items you won't use for now in a safe storage until the appropriate time just as you would with your holiday storage box.
8. Store occasion-wear separately
You might want to consider storing your ballgown somewhere other than your regular wardrobe, as it takes up a lot of space and is likely only worn once a year at most.
To keep them in showroom condition, make sure you clearly label the box so you can easily see what's inside, whether you choose to store it on a high shelf or above a wardrobe.
9. Appraise your wardrobe
A person's signature style can easily turn into a fashion stagnation if not refreshed periodically. It's not uncommon for someone to stick with the same favourites for years without making any changes, ending up with an outdated wardrobe. In truth, a regular wardrobe review, ideally every three months, is a good idea.
As a way of determining what to keep and what to get rid of, Annmarie uses a helpful method. "Begin by ensuring all your hangers are facing the same direction. With each item you wear, rotate the hanger so the head of it points in the opposite direction. Over the course of two or three weeks, you'll be able to visualise what you've worn and what hasn't been touched. You can then think about what this pattern reveals and decide which items need to be considered for removal."

10. Protect your clothes
are a good choice.
Avoid wire hangers, as they tend to distort clothing, and select skinny hangers instead, which use less space, (wooden hangers are particularly cumbersome).
Just check that your wardrobe isn't getting out of control; you might want to try having a system where you get rid of an old item as soon as you bring a new one in, or alternatively, make sure to tidy it regularly so that only the things you really need and love have a place in your organised wardrobe.
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