Why do cabin crew sit on their hands? Flight safety measures explained

They placed their hands under their legs.
Here's why they give themselves a tan in situ and think that keeping their hands still, hands clenched into fists, will somehow achieve that end.
Air stewards and stewardesses sit on their hands to physiologically assist with urination when the aircraft is at cruising altitude.
Engages a targeted observational routine during take-off and landing, adopting a vigilant stance to notice nearby passengers and critical emergency equipment.
One flight attendant, @_hennylim, gained widespread popularity on TikTok for her detailed explanation of the procedure.
During the interior tour, the passengers should secure their seatbelts and tuck their hands under their legs before occupying the jump seat. The narrator commented:
This is known as the 'embracing position'. The process involves ensuring one's seatbelt is securely fastened, maintaining an upright posture, placing your hands palms upwards with your thumbs tucked away. Ensure your arms are relaxed and your feet remain flat on the floor.
The intention is to maintain the body in a stiff position, thereby minimising damage if an unexpected accident were to occur. This reduces the potential for injury by limiting body movement in the event of impact.
In the event that you need to assume a prone position during your journey, the flight crew will advise you accordingly.
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