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Mystery structures discovered deep inside the Earth leaving scientists baffled

This phenomenon is widespread and is leaving them utterly perplexed.


Researchers have already noted that high heat areas, known as hotspots, are often found close to regions called ultra-low velocity zones, where underground rock swells upwards and gives rise to volcanic islands. However, latest findings from unusual seismic activity suggest these heat zones might be more extensive than previously believed.

Michael Thorne, a geologist and geophysicist at the University of Utah, commented, "One of the most extreme features appearing anywhere inside the planet is something that we struggle to understand - their origins, composition, and function remain a mystery."

There are a great many issues still requiring answers.

It came to the surface when researchers were working on a separate piece of research.

Researchers sought to investigate howGenre seismic waves generated by very large earthquakes propagate through the Earth's core and mantle.

Researchers discovered a peculiar form of wave, known as precursor PKP waves, which occasionally precedes PKP waves, prompting scientists to carry out studies on its properties.

The investigation discovered that something was significantly damping the earthquake waves, causing the energy to dissipate unevenly.

A significant large ultra-low velocity zone was discovered in the western Pacific Ocean region by the research team; the team also found numerous signs of ULVZs in other areas, including North America, North Africa, East Asia, Papua New Guinea, and the Pacific Northwest region.

Thorne said this implies they're being actively produced.

It is predicted that further research in this area will lead to a deeper understanding of volcanic hotspots and the movement of the earth's mantle, which could ultimately enhance geologists' comprehension of these phenomena.

This piece was first published on 02 September 2024.

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