What is microretirement? New trend emerges among millennials and Gen Z

What do people call this new phenomenon?
What is microretirement?
"Micro-retirement", also known as a career break or sabbatical, refers to a situation in which an individual temporarily steps back from their profession for a period ranging from a few months to several years.
These intervals are often viewed as significant in various ways by different individuals.
For some, it is an opportunity to struggle against burnout and utilise their "personal passions" outside of the workplace. Alternatively, it can be the perfect time to establish a sideline business.
How to microretire
to rely on.
Career coach Michael Lopez told Business Insider that you should have a plan, but not be overly rigid with it.
)set clear objectives prior to “taking time off so that you can truly reap the benefits of a break, providing a means to measure the effectiveness of your downtime".
When assessing a client's preparedness for microretirement, I consider whether they have a minimum of 12 months' worth of living expenses reserved, kept distinct from their rainy-day fund.
Following her entry into semi-retirement this year, Anaïs Felt, a 31-year-old content developer based in San Francisco, US, claimed she has "never felt better".
“This is the best I’ve ever felt,” she beamed on a extremely popular TikTok video. “I’ve never felt better, never felt more refreshed”.
If you can afford it, Felt wrote in the caption that the break is "totally worth it". Before leaving her 9-to-5 job, she had put by a substantial sum of money and is childfree.
A magazine article that sparked her to follow in the footsteps of people she observed were "taking a considerable break" from their work.
He is interested in non-traditional models of employment in general.
“For instance, unlike past generations, we're much more likely to pursue freelance or contract work. Hopefully, as we grow in the workforce, taking regular mini-breaks from work will become more feasible and generally accepted.”
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